Action Plan for the Uptake of Offshore Renewable Energy Sources

Project name: Action Plan for the Uptake of Offshore Renewable Energy Sources

Client: RES Croatia
Period: 10/2022 – 05/2023
Funding: EBRD
Location: Croatia

In collaboration with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Solar Blue Ltd. and the Island Movement, Oikon developed the expert study Action Plan for the Uptake of Offshore Renewable Energy Sources in Croatia. Initiated by Renewable Energy Sources of Croatia (RES Croatia) and financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, this is the first comprehensive study in Croatia that addresses all vital segments of offshore renewable energy sources.

Considering the need to boost offshore renewable energy sources across the EU and given that such projects tend to have longer construction times than land-based projects due to their size and complexity, the European Commission has outlined the main challenges and proposals for adopting offshore renewable energy sources. To tap into this potential in Croatia, it is crucial to develop the legislative framework as soon as possible. The study offers an overview and analysis of Croatia’s potential for utilizing offshore renewable energy sources and proposes an action plan.

The action plan identifies areas of the Adriatic Sea suitable for offshore renewable energy technologies, primarily wind power plants and floating photovoltaic power plants while ensuring their development is eco-friendly.

This document serves as a valuable foundation for future planning and more detailed identification of areas in the Adriatic Sea suitable for renewable energy technologies, paving the way for sustainable growth and a greener future.

Oikon’s experts prepared and submitted the following subsections of the main chapters of the Plan:

Maritime Areas

  • High-level analysis of maritime areas suitable for different offshore renewable energy technologies, including GIS analysis of marine habitats, protected marine areas, areas within the Natura 2000 ecological network, maritime transport routes, underwater archaeological zones and sites, landscape and seascape views, areas with discarded ammunition and weapons, special purpose military zones, air traffic in coastal airports.
  • Analysis of the impact of renewable resources at sea on marine species, such as fish, seabirds, mammals, and turtles.
  • Identification of additional key stakeholders in the offshore renewables development market.

Permitting Procedures

  • Identification of environmental permit-related procedures specific to offshore renewable technologies, in addition to onshore procedures.
  • High-level comparison of environmental procedures in Europe.
  • Identification of the main challenges, barriers, and opportunities for the development of offshore renewables in Croatia.

Action Plan

  • Proposal of offshore areas that should be prioritized for development.
  • Recommendations for improving permitting procedures.

The entire Action plan is available here.

Implementation of this project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

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