Air Quality Action Plan for the reduction of ground-level ozone pollution in the City of Pula

Project name: Development of Air Quality Action Plan to reduce ground-level ozone pollution in the City of Pula

Client: City of Pula
Period: 11/2020 – 08/2022
Location: Croatia

The Air Quality Action Plan to reduce ground-level ozone pollution in the City of Pula is compiled in accordance with the Ordinance on Mutual Information Exchange and Air Quality Reporting (Official Gazette No. 3/16).

The Action Plan in particular contains:

  • definition of the sites of excessive pollution
  • general information
  • the responsible body
  • type and assessment of pollution
  • origin of pollution
  • state analysis
  • details of the measures taken
  • measures to reduce air pollution
  • order and deadlines for the implementation of the measures
  • estimation of the resources.

Implementation of this project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

Oikon d.o.o.
Oikon d.o.o.