Baseline Survey and Ornithological Research on wind farm Mesihovina

Project name: Baseline Survey and Ornithological Research on wind farm Mesihovina

Client: Public Institution “Elektroprivreda Hrvatske zajednice Herceg Bosne” JSC Mostar
Period: 02/2012 – 05/2013
Funding: KfW and State Budget
Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina

The project was planned for construction in the municipality of Tomislavgrad. It is planned that Mesihovina has 22 wind turbines, with individual capacity of 2-3 MW, which produces a total installed capacity of 44-66 MW, depending on the choice and power of a wind turbine. Based on this, the expected annual production of electricity is 128-146 GWh.

The project included Environmental and Nature Impact Assessments (EIA and NIA), including Appropriate Assessment, as well as bat and bird fauna field research.

Activities included gathering of information on species composition, bird/bat activity, potential nesting sites, analysis of habitat types of the wider area, analysis of habitat types of the wider area, foraging areas and migration routes, habitat use, terrain morphology, spatial characteristics and other collected data. Assessment of likely (significant) impacts was conducted, and protection measures and monitoring program were proposed.

Services provided:

  • Analysis of current state
  • Windfarm analysis including critical points
  • Mitigation measures and compensation of impacts on ornitofauna
  • Field analysis – detailed planning
  • Establishment of a GIS database
  • Ornithological research
  • Mapping
  • Analysis and processing of field data
  • Preliminary, Draft Final and Final Report
  • Project Management

Oikon d.o.o.
Oikon d.o.o.