Best NTU Student Placement Provider 2020/21

January 19, 2022, Nottingham, England – at the Nottingham Trent University (NTU) ceremony today, Oikon was announced the best placement provider of the year 2020/21 in the SME category. Oikon was also one of only four placement providers that won the award this year out of 2500 placements.

Nottingham Trent University chose Oikon based on the nomination received by Katarina Miler, an NTU student who was placed with us for 10 months during 2020-2021, stating that at Oikon, Katarina was „provided with a broad insight in both conservation work and sustainability consultancy, as well as offered exceptional opportunities for professional development, including the opportunity to contribute towards a professional paper of climate change“.

Katarina was placed at Oikon under the mentorship of Andreja Pavlović, Head of Department of Nature Protection and Landscape Architecture, who stated: „Katarina came to Oikon as a student and left as a junior consultant in sustainability. That says it all. I am very proud of her and I know that in her future career, with her education, dedication and hard work, whatever she does, she will make the world a better place! “

Dalibor Hatić, Director of Oikon, continued: „I wish to thank Katarina for nominating us and the NTU for giving us the award. We are very proud of it. Not only does it place Oikon on a map of potentially interesting placement providers for other foreign students, but it also proves that what we at Oikon are doing is right and it is being recognised.”

Nottingham Trent University is a research university in Nottingham, England. It is one of the most popular universities in the UK, with a commitment to student satisfaction, graduate employment, and teaching quality.  This year, along with Oikon, three other placement providers won the award: IBM in the large corporation category, REG Technologies (UK) Ltd. in the SME category and the Virtual Learning Environment at the NTU in the internal category. Congratulations to all the winners and their placement students!

Oikon d.o.o.
Oikon d.o.o.
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