Project name: Conceptual Design and Environmental Impact Study for the relocation of state road D517 in City of Beli Manastir
Client: Hrvatske ceste Ltd.
Period: 02/2014 – 08/2015
Funding: State Budget
Location: Croatia
The project included developing conceptual design, environmental impact study (EIS) as well as participation in the assessment procedure for environmental impact.
EIS included:
- Technical description of the project,
- Alternative solutions,
- Information on the current state of the environment,
- Potential significant impacts on the environment,
- Proposal of environmental protection measures and environmental monitoring program.
Assessment procedure for environmental impact includes amendments to study according to the opinion of the Expert Advisory Committee, public review and meetings with all participants in the process. Decision of the Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection that the Project is acceptable for the Environment is issued.
- Conceptual Design
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Current state analysis
- Evaluation of environmental characteristics
- Environmental protection objectives, measures and monitoring
- Public participation and presentations
- Stakeholder coordination
- Documentation development
- Reporting
- Data collection