Please send us your CV in Europass format.

The template can be downloaded here -> link.


As part of any recruitment process, Oikon Ltd. collects and processes personal data relating to job applicants. The organisation is committed to being transparent about how it collects and uses that data and to meeting its data protection obligations.

What information do we collect?

Oikon Ltd. collects a range of information about you. This includes some of the following:

  • your name, address and contact details, including email address and telephone number;
  • details of your qualifications, skills, experience and employment history;

Oikon Ltd. may collect this information in a variety of ways. For example, data might be contained in application forms, CVs or resumes, obtained from your passport or other identity documents, or collected through interviews or other forms of assessment.

We may also collect personal data about you from third parties, such as references supplied by former employers. We will seek information from third parties only once a job offer to you has been made and will inform you that we are doing so.

Data will be stored in a range of different places, including on your application record, in HR management systems and on other IT systems (including email).

Why does Oikon Ltd. process personal data?

We need to process data to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract with you.

We may also need to process your data to enter into a contract with you.

In some cases, we need to process data to ensure that we are complying with its legal obligations. For example, it is mandatory to check a successful applicant’s eligibility to work in Croatia before employment starts.

Oikon Ltd. has a legitimate interest in processing personal data during the recruitment process and for keeping records of the process. Processing data from job applicants allows us to manage the recruitment process, assess and confirm a candidate’s suitability for employment and decide to whom to offer a job.

We may also need to process data from job applicants to respond to and defend against legal claims.

We process such information to carry out its obligations and exercise specific rights in relation to employment. We only use secure database locations for storage.

If your application is unsuccessful, Oikon Ltd. will only hold your information for as long as is necessary to comply with our statutory and contractual obligations and in accordance with our legitimate interests as a data controller as well as in case there are future employment opportunities for which you may be suited.

You are free to withdraw your consent at any time and if you prefer that your information is changed or permanently deleted then do inform us so that we can ensure that it is up to date or deleted accordingly.

Curriculum Vitae (“CV”)

By sending us your CV, you are indicating your consent for HRM to process your personal details in the manner described above.

Subject Access Request

You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold for you on our systems. Please note that we will not provide the following types of information in response to a data access request: Information about other people; Opinions given in confidence; Repeat requests or privileged information. Other types of information may also be exempt under data protection laws (e.g., data relating to the commission of offences or estimates of damages).


In case of data breach from our database we will inform all relevant persons and competent authorities within 72 hours of the offense, if it is obvious that the stolen data is stored in a way that may reveal the identity of the owner of the data.

    Oikon d.o.o.
    Oikon d.o.o.
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