Project name: Investigation works, reports on previous and new investigation works and Environmental impact assessment of site highly polluted by waste (“black spot”) pit “Sovjak”, Rijeka
Client: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund
Period: 03/2014 – 01/2016
Funding: State Budget
Location: Rijeka, Croatia
Oikon carried out an analysis on previous investigation works taken at site highly polluted by waste pit “Sovjak”. The Sovjak pit is a natural sinkhole located in the karst rock of Municipality Viškovo in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County that had been used for thirty years for the disposal of hazardous waste till 1990, when it was closed down for landfilling. The current volume of the accumulated waste is around 150.000 m3. Based on this analysis new research works were performed and a Report on results of new research works was developed. Oikon carried out Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study as well on two proposed remediation solutions of “Sovjak” pit which predict four steps: Excavation of floating hydrocarbons, transportation and incineration outside Croatia, excavation of sediment/tar, on-site pre-treatment with lime, transportation and incineration outside Croatia or its incineration at site, pumping and pre-treatment of waste water and complete backfill of the pit and closure with top drainage system.
The EIA consisted of basic chapters:
- description of the environment (baseline conditions) – physical environment
- review of compliances with spatial documentation
- determination of the potential impacts on environment, ecological network and socio-cultural environment (in pre-construction, construction, operation and maintenance phase)
- development of mitigation measures and monitoring plan
Services provided:
- Project management
- Analysis on previous investigation works
- Coordination of investigation works
- Report on current investigation works
- Environmental Impact Assessment