Project name: Infrastructure Project Facility – Technical Assistance Window (EuropeAid/128073/C/SER/MULTI)” LNG-RV – Conceptual Solution, Feasibility Study and EIA/SIA and Conceptual Design
Client: COWI-IPF Consortium
Period: 07/2012 – 06/2014
Funding: EuropeAid 2008 IPA Programme
Location: Croatia
The purpose of the planned LNG terminal in Croatia, Omišalj is to import LNG arriving with LNG carriers. It is then unloaded into LNG tanks on the mainland, temporarily stored, vaporized, and exported to the main gas pipeline network for the consumers in Croatia and other countries.
Tasks included:
- Overall project coordination with the client and the beneficiary, coordination of teams developing EIA/SIA, Conceptual Design, Feasibility Study and Market Analysis, development of the EIA package and all related documents and studies
- Finalization of the EIA procedure conducted by the CCA – Decision on Environmental Acceptability of Project
- Finalization of the permitting process, up to the location permit
- Coordination with ministries, beneficiaries and stakeholders.
Themes such as air quality, soil quality, landscape, geology, hydrogeology, climate conditions, biodiversity and ecological network (terrestrial and marine) – Natura 2000, oceanography, water quality, cultural goods, noise, accidents, preliminary safety analysis and risk assessment, socioeconomic conditions, and waste management were described in reports as review of data on existing conditions, assessments of possible impacts from construction, operation and decommission phases of intervention and also as mitigation measures. Additionally, a Social Impact Assessment was carried out.
Services provided:
- GIS support and analysis
- Gap analysis
- Scoping
- Stakeholder engagement
- Environmental Impact Assessment: project leading, and following topics: soil, climate, biodiversity (marine and terrestrial), Natura 2000, oceanography, water quality, cultural goods, noise, accidents, preliminary safety analysis and risk assessment, waste management
- Social Impact Assessment
- Preparation of Environmental and Social Action Plan
- Preparation of Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan