One-year research of ornithofauna and study report for a planned wind farm

Project name: One-year research of ornithofauna, large carnivores and bats and development of an acceptability report for planned project in the field of nature for the purpose of environmental impact assessment; Group I. One-year research of ornithofauna and study report

Client: HEP – Proizvodnja Ltd.
Period: 02/2019 – 03/2020
Location: Croatia

The one-year research was conducted with the aim of determining the significance of adverse impects and cumulative adverse impacts of the planned wind farm on the local ornithofauna and the entire population of endangered bird species in the Republic of Croatia.

For the purposes of the research, the following methods were used: vantage point, line transect, monitoring of nesting predators, tape lure of nocturnally active species and non-standardized search of the area.

Based on the data obtained from the implementation of the line transect and tape luring, the population density of songbirds and nocturnally active birds in the narrower and wider project area was calculated. Using data on the manner, intensity and duration of migrations of birds of prey and migratory species, the risk of collision of individual species was calculated using the collision risk model (Scottish Natural Heritage – SNH, 2014).

Based on the obtained data, measures to mitigate the impact of the intervention on the ornithofauna were analyzed and proposed.

Oikon d.o.o.
Oikon d.o.o.