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Department of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Architecture
Head of Department: Božica Šorgić, PhD
Contact: e-mail
Department of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Architecture is a leader in the field of environmental engineering and a major provider of environmental impact assessments (EIA) and strategic impact assessments (SEA), together with the accompanying mitigation measures and monitoring programs.
The specialties of one of our portfolio segments, environment protection, for example, are large infrastructural developments for which we have participated in a number of different services:
Environment Impact Assessments (EIA) for over 1,000 km of freeways and their variants – approximately 80% of newly built freeways in Croatia and BIH;
Hundreds of km of highways – approximately 30% of newly built freeways;
Hundreds of km of railways – approximately 80% of newly built or planned railways;
Almost 1,000 km of high pressure gas pipelines;
Numerous other mayor infrastructure projects, such as transmission lines and wind farms
More than 20 Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA)
Over 520 environmental protection projects in total
This demonstrates that we have unparalleled experience in developing EIA’s (more than 300) for such developments in Croatia and the region.
Department of Nature Protection
Head of Department: Ivana Lampek Pavčnik
Contact: e-mail
Over the years Oikon Ltd. has also emerged as major provider of consultancy services and technical assistance projects related to nature protection. We have developed more than:
- 250 nature protection projects,
- 120 environmental and nature monitoring projects,
- 100 specialist studies,
- 100 Appropriate Assessments,
- 30 long term and scientific projects,
- 30 management plans in Croatia and the region.
Oikon has gathered a significant amount of experience in collecting new inventory data for fauna and habitats (birds, large and small mammals, amphibians and reptiles, marine benthic species, fungi, terrestrial habitats etc.) using fieldwork research techniques (photo-traps, ultrasound detectors, radar ornithology, GPS collars/chips for marking and tracking of animals, different biological surveys and sampling depending on the target taxonomic group) and remote sensing techniques (satellite/aerial, sensors and loggers), most of it analysed and presented through specialised spatial analysis tools and methods. We are particularly proud to have been the lead partner and coordinator of the Croatia EU Natura 2000 Integration Project (NIP) – the biggest project in Croatia related to fauna inventory, where we provided consulting services for field research and laboratory processing for collecting new inventory data for 11 taxonomic groups: Actinopterygii and Cephalaspidomorphi, Amphibia and Reptilia, Aves, Chiroptera, Decapoda, Lepidoptera, Odonata, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera.
Also, we have unparalleled experience in habitat mapping projects where we were practically a standard setting authority providing all what is needed for this complex activity. Apart from implementation of large scale habitat mapping of the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia 15 years ago (entire territory terrestrial and maritime) and fine scale mapping of practically all of Croatian protected areas (national and nature parks), we have provided training, ICT, RS and GIS support to a number of similar projects in neighbouring countries. Presently, we are doing this on a project in Turkey where we are providing technical assistance for strengthening the National Nature Protection System for Implementation of Natura 2000 Requirements.
Department of Natural Resources Management
Head of Department: Branimir Radun
Contact: e-mail
With over 225 completed projects, Oikon is a major provider of comprehensive forestry, agriculture, vegetation and carbon sink studies, land use and land cover mapping services in Croatia.
Our services include the development of Forest Management Plans (we have developed FMP for 15 % of Croatian private forests), large-scale biomass and carbon sink calculations, ecosystem monitoring services, feasibility studies (biomass, agriculture, forest and SRC), dendrochronology studies, etc.
Oikon has a strong background and knowledge of land cover and land use mapping. We have developed CORINE land cover (CLC) maps and change analysis including full reporting of the entire Croatian national territory for the reference years: 1980, 1990, 2000, 2006 (for which we received the quality mark “very good” from the auditors that were by that time issued only once before in the history of CLC mapping), 2012 and 2018. Our methods follow and promote best practice criteria and guidelines, and are aimed to ensure accuracy, quality and consistency in our mapping and monitoring products and accompanying databases.
Our interdisciplinary team of highly trained experts enables us for extensive, nation-wide field campaigns for relevant data collection as well for the application of all relevant and actual Remote Sensing, Earth Observation, GIS and geostatistical techniques and technologies (UAV photogrammetry, Satellite and UAV multispectral data analysis, SAR data processing, LIDAR). Our professional focus is on an accurate, cost-effective and problem-solving approach to all of our projects while maintaining the required level of spatial data accuracy and thematic detail.
We are constantly widening and evolving our knowledge and professional competencies through formal and informal staff education, i.e. conferences, courses, summer schools. This is very important since GIS, Remote Sensing and other technologies are evolving so fast and we are very keen to keep our leading position on the market.
Department of Environmental Law, Policy and Economics
Head of Department: Alida Ban Pavlović, M.A. in Law, M.A. in Political Science
Contact: e-mail
Department of Environmental Law, Policy and Economics is focused primarily on legal consulting related to the environmental legislation in the form of producing legal gap analysis and harmonisation of the national legislation as well as the assessment of the status of the transposition of the national legislation to EU environmental acquis.
Based on produced analysis its experts provide legal and institutional assistance in drafting of the new national laws and secondary legislation which are in full compliance with the EU/International environmental requirements.
In addition, it provides services of drafting country reports and position papers on various environmental issues and their implementation in the country based on the exhaustive legal and institutional research in order to enable all the stakeholders to improve their implementation of the legal requirements, as well their capacity building.
Finally, it provides detailed analysis and support in environmental economics and options on finance modules, as well as experienced and professional assistance to SMEs in securing start-up grants or long-term financing in the environmental sector.
The Department’s services include:
- legal gap analysis and harmonisation of the national legislation
- compliance checking with the EU/International legal requirements
- drafting of the laws and secondary legislation
- drafting of the country report on environmental issues
- institutional analysis
- capacity building to the authorities on national, regional and local level
- development of the strategies, plans and programmes
- drafting of the contracts
- environmental economics and finance modules
- assistance in grants and securing funds for SMEs in environmental sector.

Department of Environmental Law, Policy and Economics
Head of Department: Andreja Pavlović
Contact: e-mail
At Oikon’s Department of Sustainability and Climate Resilience we are rocking the world of sustainability – one step at a time. Amid the European Green Deal and the Sustainable Finance Action Plan, our team is here to guide organisations through the maze of regulations and turn them into opportunities for lasting change.
We understand the varied sentiments surrounding the current wave of sustainability regulations. Some see it as a daunting tsunami, but we see it as an opportunity to reshape the norms of “business as usual”. Our job is to equip companies with the expertise, professional rigour and tools they need to successfully navigate the complexities of sustainability and climate resilience.