Head of Department: Božica Šorgić, PhD

Contact: e-mail

Department of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Architecture is a leader in the field of environmental engineering and a major provider of environmental impact assessments (EIA) and strategic environmental assessments (SEA), as well as associated mitigation measures and monitoring programs.

The specialities of one of our portfolio segments, environment protection, for example, are large infrastructural developments for which we have participated in several different services:

  • Environment Impact Assessments (EIA) for over 1,000 km of motorways and their variants – approximately 80% of newly built motorways  in Croatia and BIH;
  • Hundreds of km of freeways – approximately 30% of newly built freeways;
  • Hundreds of km of railways – approximately 80% of newly built or planned railways;
  • Almost 1,000 km of high-pressure gas pipelines;
  • Over 135 renewable energy projects
  • Over 60 mariculture projects
  • Numerous other major infrastructural projects, such as transmission lines
  • Over 40 Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA)
  • Over 700 environmental protection projects in total.

This demonstrates that we have unparalleled experience in developing EIA’s for such developments in Croatia and the region.

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