Head of Department: Branimir Radun

Contact: e-mail

With over 225 completed projects, Oikon is a major provider of comprehensive forestry, agriculture, vegetation and carbon sink studies, land use and land cover mapping services in Croatia.

Our services include the development of Forest Management Plans (we have developed FMP for 15 % of Croatian private forests), large-scale biomass and carbon sink calculations, ecosystem monitoring services, feasibility studies (biomass, agriculture, forest and SRC), dendrochronology studies, etc.

Oikon has a strong background and knowledge of land cover and land use mapping. We have developed CORINE land cover (CLC) maps and change analysis including full reporting of the entire Croatian national territory for the reference years: 1980, 1990, 2000, 2006 (for which we received the quality mark “very good” from the auditors that were by that time issued only once before in the history of CLC mapping), 2012 and 2018. Our methods follow and promote best practice criteria and guidelines, and are aimed to ensure accuracy, quality and consistency in our mapping and monitoring products and accompanying databases.

Our interdisciplinary team of highly trained experts enables us for extensive, nation-wide field campaigns for relevant data collection as well for the application of all relevant and actual Remote Sensing, Earth Observation, GIS and geostatistical techniques and technologies (UAV photogrammetry, Satellite and UAV multispectral data analysis, SAR data processing, LIDAR). Our professional focus is on an accurate, cost-effective and problem-solving approach to all of our projects while maintaining the required level of spatial data accuracy and thematic detail.

We are constantly widening and evolving our knowledge and professional competencies through formal and informal staff education, i.e. conferences, courses, summer schools. This is very important since GIS, Remote Sensing and other technologies are evolving so fast and we are very keen to keep our leading position on the market.

Oikon d.o.o.
Oikon d.o.o.
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