LaDIGIS is Oikon’s Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory which provides better horizontal link between Oikon’s departments, more successful transfer and application of knowledge, and enhanced research and development work related to the use of remote sensing methods in projects.

The use of the latest technologies and sensors in the field of remote sensing, such as LIDAR, multispectral and radar satellite imagery, enables us to achieve effective mapping of changes in land use, fires, soil and forest site index, health status, spatial composition of tree / forest type / agriculture types or determining the amount of biomass in inaccessible areas. All this has already been successfully implemented in many of our projects. We also provide support within the company by developing land cover layouts of higher resolutions that are necessary for better assessments of environmental impact.

Being aware of the rapid development of technology and the spread of their application, the members of our Laboratory regularly attend all the relevant trainings (ESA / NASA / EARSEL) and conferences where they adopt new knowledge and conduct dissemination of the existing knowledge.

The head of the Laboratory is Ivona Žiža, mag. ing. agr.

The Laboratory has worked / is working on the following projects:

Scientific and professional articles:

  • Ivan Balenović, Mateo Gašparović, Anita Simic Milas, Alen Berta, Ante Seletković, (2017), Accuracy assessment of digital terrain models of lowland pedunculate oak forests derived from airborne laser scanning and photogrammetry, CROJFE j. for. eng. 39(2018)1 p.117-128
  • Ante Seletković, Ivan Balenović, Alen Berta, Mario Ančić, Martina Kičić (2017) Using LIDAR and field data survey in measuring tree height in urban areas, New Forestry Mechanisation 38 p. 43-56
  • Mateo Gašparović, Ante Seletković, Alen Berta, Ivan Balenović (2017): The Vertical Agreement Assessment of Photogrammetric-Based DSM from Low-Cost UAV with LiDAR-Based DSM, South-east Eur for 8 (2): early view. DOI:

Conference presentations:

  • Alen Berta, Vladimir Kušan, Roman Danko, Dalibor Hatić, Oleg Antonić (2014): Methods for forest carbon pool measurement, Natural resources, green technology and sustainable development (poster presentation, 26th-28th November 2014, Zagreb)
  • Alen Berta, Vladimir Kušan, Višnja Šteko (2015): Evaluation of vegetation as landscape element, Case study Veli Brijun island, Second regional conference on environmental impact assessment (Oral presentation, September 2017, Selce)
  • Nikolina Bakšić, Alen Berta, Višnja Šteko (2015): GIS based landslide risk assessment: Varaždin-Krapina motorway, 5th Croatian geological congress (oral presentation, September 2015, Osijek)
  • Škunca M., Mesić Z., Šteko V., Berta A., Peternel H. – Area evaluation from the aspect of biodiversity: method designed for overcoming data gaps, 6th Balkan botanical congress  (oral presentation, September 2015, Rijeka)
  • Alen Berta, Vladimir Kušan, Zrinka Mesić, Denis Stojsavljević, Dalibor Hatić; Use of high resolution multispectral satellite images in determining the degree of productivity and age of uneven-aged stands of private forest owners in the Mediterranean and Submediterranean, ESA EO Summer School, (Poster presentation, October 2016, Rome)
  • Alen Berta, Vladimir Kušan, Zrinka Mesić, Dino Križnjak ; New findings for GHG National Inventory Report- woodstocks of the scrublands and maquies in the Croatian Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean, Croatia, Third regional conference on environmental impact assessment (Oral presentation, September 2017, Vodice)
  • Ivona Žiža, Vladimir Kušan, Alen Berta, Tena Birov, Ana Ostojić, Zrinka Mesić; CLC inventory 2012, verification and enhancement of HRL products for Croatia, Hungary (ESA EO Land Training, September 2017, Budapest)
  • Alen Berta, Vladimir Kušan, Zrinka Mesić,  Davor Korman,  Ivona Žiža, Nela Jantol (2017): First applications of multispectral satellite imagery from Sentinel 2 in Croatia for forestry, agriculture and ecology, GEOMeetup (lecture, 13 December 2017, Zagreb)
  • Alen Berta, Zrinka Mesić, Tom Levanić, Ivona Žiža, Davor Korman, Nela Jantol, Dalibor Hatić, Vladimir Kušan (2018): Monitoring age of private owned Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) and Pubescent oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.) forests in Croatian Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean with Sentinel 2 multispectral satellite, EGU 2018 (Oral presentation, 9-13 April 2018, Vienna, Austria)
  • Alen Berta, Tom Levanič, Zrinka Mesić, Davor Korman, Ivona Žiža, Nela Jantol, Vladimir Kušan (2018): Investigation of age and site index in unevenaged private forests in Croatian Mediterranean and Submediterranean with dendrochronological methods and multispectral satellite images, TRACE2018 (Oral presentation,23-27 April 2018, Greifswald, Germany)
  • Davor Korman, Alen Berta, Nela Jantol, Zrinka Mesić, Ana Ostojić, Vladimir Kušan (2018): Improving Accuracy Of Sentinel 2 Based Forest Biomass Assessment Models By Integrating Sentinel 1 Data And Additional Environmental Variables Using Various Machine Learning Algorithms, NATURAL RESOURCES, GREEN TECHNOLOGY & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT-GREEN/3 (Oral presentation,5-8 June 2018, Zagreb, Croatia)
  • Alen Berta, Ante Seletković, Ivan Balenović, Zrinka Mesić, Ivona Žiža, Davor Korman, Nela Jantol, Vladimir Kušan (2018): Tree species classification in forests of Central Croatia using Sentinel 2 data and data mining, NATURAL RESOURCES, GREEN TECHNOLOGY & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT-GREEN/3 (Oral presentation,5-8 June 2018, Zagreb, Croatia)
  • Ivan Balenović, Luka Jurjević, Anita Simic Milas, Mateo Gašparović, Ante Seletković, Goran Tijan, Danijela Ivanković, Alen Berta, Hrvoje Marjanović (2018): THE INFLUENCE OF DTM TYPE ON MEAN TREE HEIGHT ESTIMATES FROM UAV-BASED IMAGES, NATURAL RESOURCES, GREEN TECHNOLOGY & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT-GREEN/3 (Poster presentation,5-8 June 2018, Zagreb, Croatia)
  • Davor Korman, Alen Berta, Zrinka Mesić, Ivona Žiža, Nela Jantol, Dino Križnjak, Ana Ostojić, Vladimir Kušan (2018): Handling and extraction of Sentinel 2 data for the comparison of seasonal and monthly models for biomass assessment – Case study: continental first age class forests and (sub-) Mediterranean thickets and maquis in Croatia, GI Forum-Big Earth Data: From Data to Information (Oral presentation-accepted,3-6 July 2018, Salzburg, Austria)
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