Panel discussion “Natural Capital” as part of the 13th Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility

November 11, 2021 – The director of Oikon, Dalibor Hatić, participated in a panel discussion about natural capital which was part of the 13th Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility.

The panel was also attended by Aljoša Duplić, Director of the Institute for Environmental and Nature Protection at the Ministry of the Economy and Sustainable Development, and Harun Tanković, Head of the Finance Directorate at HBOR – Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The panel was moderated by Tajana Uzelac Obradović, Project Manager at Dvokut ECRO.

The panellists concluded that it is very important to talk about natural capital, which can be defined as the world’s stocks of natural assets which include geology, soil, air, water and all living things. The legal frameworks exist, there are also goals set by the EU Green Deal, but needed is education on the use of natural capital and the use of our ecosystem in order to make it sustainable.

The Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility is the largest and most important annual conference on corporate social responsibility in Croatia. It delivers information on trends in sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, regulations and best practice examples. The conference is organized by HR PSOR – Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development.

Watch the panel discussion, as well as other panel discussions held during the second day of the conference:

The panel discussion “Natural Capital” starts at 3:00:20.

Oikon d.o.o.
Oikon d.o.o.
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