May 27, 2024 – As part of the public consultation process for the environmental impact assessment of the construction project for state road DC47, section Bair (DC47) – Donji Čaglić (DC5), in Sisak-Moslavina County and Požega-Slavonia County, which lasted from March 25, 2024, to April 24, 2024, Oikon representatives Željko Koren and Tatjana Travica held a public presentation on the Environmental Impact Study in Novska and Lipik on April 15, 2024.
The project covered by the Environmental Impact Study pertains to the section of state road DC47, from Bair (DC47) to Donji Čaglić (DC5), with a total length of 10.084 meters. The project is managed by Hrvatske ceste d.o.o. The purpose of the new route of state road DC47 is to connect state road DC5, the towns of Lipik and Pakrac, and the surrounding areas with the A3 motorway in the zone with the newly constructed interchange. The construction of this section will redirect traffic from state road D47, section Dobrovac – Bair, bypassing the “Jagma” landslides and the longitudinal gradients of the existing road up to 8%, significantly reducing travel time to the towns of Lipik and Pakrac.
The planned route is an entirely new route of the state road from the existing state road DC47 to state road DC5. The route meets the standards defined by spatial plans, project requirements, and professional regulations through its technical elements.