Presentation of Oikon’s laboratory for ESA representatives

Zagreb, 11th March 2019 – As part of today’s meeting of representatives of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Ministry of Science and Education on the occasion of Croatia’s membership negotiations in ESA, we held a presentation of Oikon and the activities of the Laboratory for Remote Sensing and GIS – LADIGIS. Oikon was … Continued

The book “Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality”

February 27, 2019 – The book “Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality” is the main product of the four-year project COST action TU1401, and our researcher Nela Jantol is among the contributors as an author of the preview chapter for Croatia. The objectives of the project were to analyze the effects of the development of renewable … Continued

The 3rd Symposium on Freshwater Biology (SOBS)

February 15, 2018 – Our researchers Ana Ostojić, Vjera Pavić and Matija Kresonja participated in the 3rd Symposium on Freshwater Biology (SOBS). Matija held a presentation titled “Fountains – extreme habitats or source of biodiversity in urban areas?” The symposium was organized by Croatian association of freshwater ecologists (CAFE) in cooperation with the Department of … Continued

The 11th EARSeL Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop in Brno

Brno, 5-8 February 2019 – Our researcher Nela Jantol participated at the 11th EARSeL Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop in Brno, a Czech town where Gregor Mendel performed his famous experiments with pea plan breading. Nela didn’t study peas, but learned  how to record vegetation with different sensors. Organized by EARSeL and CzechGlobe, the workshop gathered 185 … Continued

The wolf and lynx intervention team

December 28, 2018 − Ministry of Environment and Energy appointed Oikon’s Head of the Laboratory for Research and Monitoring of Large Carnivores, Goran Gužvica, PhD, as member of the wolf and lynx intervention team in the Republic of Croatia for the year 2019. The wolf and lynx intervention team in the Republic of Croatia acts on the … Continued

ENRD Workshop in Bratislava

December 12-13, 2018 − two of our employees participated in the European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) workshop/capacity building in Bratislava, Slovakia. The two-day workshop was organised by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development with the aims to: show and discuss practical examples of evaluation approaches for assessing the environmental related CAP Pillar II impact indicators and … Continued

Our new team member

December 3, 2018 − Oikon (and LADIGIS) have strengthened forces with one more scientist – dr. sc. Ivan Tomljenović, Master of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, who received his PhD in Natural Sciences in 2016 from the Doctoral College GIScience at the Department of Geoinformatics at the University of Salzburg in the field of remote sensing, namely forming transferable … Continued

The 3rd Croatian Symposium on Invasive Species

November 28, 2018 − This week, our experts participated in the 3rd Croatian Symposium on Invasive Species that was held in Zagreb on 26-27 November, where they showed extensive knowledge of alien and invasive species. They held presentations about: Methods, mapping and monitoring alien invasive freshwater mammals in Croatia (Zrinka Mesić); Problems of wild boars as autochthon … Continued

Oikon d.o.o.
Oikon d.o.o.