Marjan Forest Park Management Program

November 21, 2018 − Oikon signed today a contract with the Marjan Forest Park Public Administration for the preparation of the Forest Management Plan that will contain the Protection, Care and Forest Rehabilitation Program for the Marjan Forest. On this project, not only will our experts use their long-standing forest-inventory experience, but this area will be … Continued

Environmental and Social Compliance Report for the MARS project

October 31, 2018 – Oikon has completed the Environmental and Social Compliance Report of the “Implementing Agencies’” (HC, HAC and ARZ) management systems and operations, which is a part the project Modernization and Restructuring of the Road Sector (MARS). The project is funded by the World Bank and implemented by the Ministry of the Sea, … Continued

UAV imaging for ForBioEnergy project

31 October 2018 − In the area of Vrana Lake Nature Park and Nature Park Telašćica, both located in Zadar County, the predominant forest vegetation are forests that have been degraded down to maquis and garigue (degraded form of maquis made up of only the most resistant low shrubs), as well as shrubs and its degraded forms. … Continued

Oikon at Climathon Zagreb

26-27 October 2018 – Oikon’s team participated in this year’s Climathon that took place in the Zagreb Innovation Centre (ZICER). The topic that Nela, Ivona, Jelena, Nebojša and Branimir presented was the Analysis of Critical Microlocation of Thermal Islands in the City of Zagreb. In the 24 hours that the event lasted, they learned some … Continued

Presentation on oak lace bug in Brussels

17th October 2018 − Last week in Brussels, Belgium, Oikon representatives held a presentation of the study on oak lace bug and its spread across Croatia as well as the measures taken by the Republic of Croatia to prevent the spread. The presentation / lecture was held at one of the most important committees of the European … Continued

13th Croatian Biological Congress

19-23 September 2018 – 13th Croatian Biological Congress with International Participation, organized by Croatian Biological Society, took place in Poreč. It is a traditional congress that takes place every third year and has been gathering biologists from different fields of biological science for over 35 years now. Six of Oikon’s experts participated in the Congress, … Continued

Life with bears – 26th International Conference on Bear Research and Management

21 September 2018 − two of our experts, Monika Petković and Marko Augustinović, participated in “Life with bears – 26th International Conference on Bear Research and Management” which took place from 16 to 21 September 2018 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The main theme of the conference, which gathered over 250 bear researchers and bear managers, was human-bear coexistence in human … Continued

8th Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing

14 September 2018 – Our expert Davor Korman spent five days at the University of Leicester participating at the 8th Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing, organized by the European Space Agency (ESA). He learned about the application of radar and optical satellite sensors in the field of environmental science, land cover mapping, forest … Continued

TAIEX workshop in Graz

11 September 2018 − our environmental expert Božica Šorgić, PhD participated in a two-day workshop on air quality TAIEX-EIR P2P that took place in Graz, Austria. She was one of 85 experts from 13 EU countries who exchanged their experience and good practice on air pollution reduction. The main areas addressed were particulate matter and NO2, … Continued

Oikon d.o.o.
Oikon d.o.o.