Field research experience with the Oikon team

1st December 2017 − Thanks to the excellent response to Oikon’s invitation for participation in field research, three young biologists have already spent a day with the Oikon team where they have learned a lot and had a good time. Here’s what they said:   “Looking for potential speleological objects in a forest is not particularly … Continued

Lecture in Project Management at Faculty of Science

27th November 2017 − Our employee Zrinka Mesić held a lecture entitled “Project Management” at the Faculty of Science, Biology Department, in Zagreb as part of the course “Professional Skills in Biology”. The lecture included the experiences from several Oikon’s projects related to biodiversity research in which Zrinka had an active role in project management.

XI. PMI Forum: Skills of successful project manager

15th November 2017 − a three-day PMI Forum titled “Skills of Successful Project Manager” was held in Zagreb and was attended by our certified project leaders Medeja Pistotnik and Željko Koren. The PMI Forum provided the participants training, an overview of industry trends, the best project management tools and case studies, as well as presentations of best … Continued

Workshop on Corine Land Cover + in Brussels

16th November 2017 − Vladimir Kušan, PhD and Ivona Žiža, mag. ing. agr. are participating in Copernicus Land Monitoring Service: Workshop on Corine Land Cover + that is taking place in Brussels today. It is a technical workshop organised to receive a constructive dialogue on the next generation core product for land monitoring in Europe, so Oikon’s … Continued

Experience field research with Oikon experts!

Do you wonder what field research with biologists/ecologists looks like? Would you like to be part of our team and experience biology in practice? If yes is the answer then you’re in the right place because Oikon’s best candidates are now being given this opportunity! We offer 1-2 days of field research on projects that … Continued

The 2nd Mediterranean Natura 2000 Seminar in Cyprus

15th November 2017 − Edin Lugić, Head of Nature Protection Division at Oikon, is participating in the 2nd Mediterranean Natura 2000 Seminar that is taking place 14-16 November in Limassol, Cyprus. We are proud to say that he is one of 16 other experts from the EU that was invited to the event. The 2nd … Continued

Oikon compliant with the AAI@EduHr standards

During the regular annual compliance check of all parent institutions with the AAI@EduHr standards, Oikon Ltd. – Institute of Applied Ecology has accomplished good compliance with the standards. Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure of Science and Higher Education in the Republic of Croatia – AAI@EduHr is an infrastructural and intermediary system with the task to provide … Continued

Donation to the PROMicro project

9th October 2017 − Considering investments in knowledge and innovation to be very important, OIKON financially supported the PROMikro initiative which has the aim of introducing digital literacy into Croatian school curriculum. The PROMikro project is worth HRK 4.5 million and was initiated by the Croatian Academic and Research Network – CARNet in cooperation with the … Continued

LADIGIS – Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory

3rd October 2017 – today the LADIGIS – Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory has started working at Oikon. Through its work, the Laboratory will provide a better horizontal link between Oikon’s departments, more successful transfer and application of knowledge, as well as enhanced research and development work related to the use of remote sensing methods on the … Continued

Oikon d.o.o.
Oikon d.o.o.