Five species and habitat monitoring programs completed

November 21, 2023 – Oikon successfully completed five monitoring programs for species and habitat types of EU interest. These programs were developed under the OPCC project, titled “Development of Monitoring Systems for Species and Habitat Types,” commissioned by the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, and were presented today at the final project conference. As … Continued

International Symposium on Wildlife Capture and Chemical Immobilization: Presentation on Croatian Brown Bear Research

November 6, 2023 – Our wildlife expert, Slaven Reljić, recently made a significant contribution to the field of wildlife conservation at the International Symposium on Wildlife Capture and Chemical Immobilization, held from October 19 to 21, 2023, in the Maiella National Park in South-Central Italy, with a presentation entitled “Chemical immobilization of brown bears – … Continued

Blog: How a forgotten incident altered the course of clean energy history

October 19, 2023 – The 20th century witnessed significant advancements across various aspects of society. Fossil fuels played a pivotal role in fuelling industrialization, transportation, and the growth of modern civilization. While fossil fuels facilitated many of these advances, they also gave rise to environmental challenges, including air and water pollution, habitat destruction, and greenhouse … Continued

Final conference of the marine habitat mapping project

Brijuni, 13 October 2023 – Today, the final conference “Croatia Under the Waves” of the project “Mapping of Coastal and Benthic Marine Habitats in the Coastal Sea of the Republic of Croatia and Benthic Marine Habitats in the Croatian Epicontinental Belt as part of the OPKK project Mapping of Coastal and Benthic Marine Habitats within … Continued

Participation at Air Protection 2023 Conference

September 27, 2023 – Our experts participated in the International Conference and 13th Croatian Scientific and Professional Meeting, “Air Protection 2023,” held in Dubrovnik from September 20 to 23, 2023. The conference was organized by the Croatian Air Pollution Prevention Association, with Oikon as the general sponsor. Dr. Božica Šorgić, the Head of our Department … Continued

Rocking the World of Sustainability – The OIKON Story

September 16, 2023 – With just two days remaining until the beginning of the 7th Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts – CWW 2023, we, the organizers, are thrilled to introduce ourselves to all conference attendees. Take a moment to watch our video, which captures the essence of OIKON Ltd. – a story etched … Continued

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