Acquisition of VHR satellite images – imaging on demand

Project name: Acquisition of VHR satellite images – imaging on demand

Client: Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries, and Rural Development
Period: 09/2024 – 10/2024
Location: Croatia

The goal of this project was to acquire very high-resolution (VHR) satellite imagery for an area of minimum 20.000 km² within the precisely defined area, delivered in SHP format by the Client (23,000 km²). The images were collected from July 15, 2024, to October 1, 2024, to allow for the verification of activities on the parcels during the growing season. The spatial resolution of the images is 1 meter or better, with no more than 15% cloud cover, and the imaging direction angle does not exceed 30°. The images are orthorectified, georeferenced, and delivered in 8-bit GeoTIFF format in the HTRS96/TM coordinate system (EPSG: 3765), encompassing panchromatic, RGB, and NIR channels.

Steps and results of the project are: 

  • quality control of input data (spatial coverage, cloud coverage, metadata verification, and visual inspection of images),
  • orthorectification of raw satellite images within GIS software packages using the official Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of Republic of Croatia, and the Rational Polynomial Coefficients (RPC) sensor model provided with the images,
  • georeferencing of satellite images within GIS software packages according to the conditions of the selected transformation method,
  • quality control of the output data using linear layers of the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and LPIS vector data,
  • adjustment of output data according to the requested specifications.
Oikon d.o.o.
Oikon d.o.o.
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