Development of the Green Infrastructure Development Strategy for the City of Šibenik for the period 2020 – 2030

Project name: Development of the Green Infrastructure Development Strategy for the City of Šibenik for the period 2020 – 2030

Client: City of Šibenik
Period: 09/2022 – 06/2024
Location: Croatia

The Green Infrastructure Strategy of the City of Šibenik is a strategic document adopted for the period 2020-2030. It encompasses an analysis of green and open spaces as components of green infrastructure. Oikon’s team developed a GIS of the city and characterized its fundamental attributes: political-territorial structure, demographics, cultural heritage, sports and recreational facilities, natural features (relief, geology, water bodies, biodiversity, protected areas, land cover, climate, and climate change). A historical overview of urban development and green infrastructure in the city, along with spatial planning and strategic documentation, was provided. The strategy includes analyses of grey and blue infrastructure, space typology, visual-structural patterns, habitat conservation potential, survey data, and heat island effects. Additionally, SWOT analysis, a vision for green infrastructure development, strategic goals, proposed implementation locations, and visual examples of selected measures were incorporated.

Oikon d.o.o.
Oikon d.o.o.
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