Nela Jantol defends doctoral dissertation on transpiration of pedunculate oak in the Spačva Forest

December 19, 2024 – We are proud to announce that Oikon has welcomed another Doctor of Science. Our colleague, Nela Jantol, has successfully defended her doctoral dissertation titled “Assessment of the Transpiration of Pedunculate Oak in the Spačva Forest Using Remote Sensing Methods” at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, earning her the title of Doctor of Natural Sciences in the field of Biology.

Nela’s work represents a valuable scientific contribution to understanding ecological processes in the Spačva Forest, the largest complex of oak forests in Croatia. Her dissertation focused on analyzing transpiration – a key process in water exchange between the biosphere and atmosphere – using advanced remote sensing methods.

Key findings of the research included establishing the relationship between pedunculate oak transpiration, evapotranspiration, and sun-induced fluorescence; developing the SELI vegetation index based on Sentinel-2 sensor data, enabling more precise monitoring of seasonal transpiration dynamics; and laying the groundwork for applying new satellite systems to forest ecosystem monitoring.

Beyond its scientific contributions, Nela’s research has significant practical applications, improving methods for assessing the condition of forest ecosystems. This greatly contributes to sustainable natural resource management, an essential factor for the future of forestry in Croatia and beyond.

The dissertation was completed under the mentorship of Associate Professor Hrvoje Kutnjak, Ph.D., from the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb. The defense committee included Professor Sven Jelaska, Ph.D., Ivan Balenović, Ph.D., Professor Željka Vidaković-Cifrek, Ph.D., and Associate Professor Krunoslav Sever, Ph.D., as a substitute.

Nela’s doctoral studies were funded by Oikon with support from the Croatian Science Foundation. Continuous investment in employee education and professional development, which fosters scientific excellence and strengthens our team’s expertise, is a key part of Oikon’s strategy.

We congratulate Nela on this outstanding achievement and thank her for contributing to the advancement of science and strengthening the expertise of our team!

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Oikon d.o.o.
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