Water Stewardship for Aluflexpack novi Ltd. for the needs of ASI standards

Project name: Preparation of Chapter 7. Water Stewardship for the needs of ASI standards

Client: Aluflexpack novi Ltd.
Period: 01/2021 – 02/2021
Location: Croatia

This study aimed to determine the current state of water in the area of the plant, show the water management in the plant, and identify/assess the risks associated with water in this area. The principles for conducting the assessment were taken from the ASI (Aluminum Stewardship Initiative) Performance Standard V2 – Guidelines – December 2017.

The study includes the impact of the plant on the state of water in the area of the plant (through water management), the impact on surface water bodies (ecological, chemical, and total status), and grouped groundwater bodies (quantitative status).

Oikon d.o.o.
Oikon d.o.o.