Trans-Atlantic Training – Zagreb 2018

11th June 2018 − four of Oikon’s experts have just completed the five-day TAT 2018 international training “Integration of Radar and Optical Remote Sensing in Studying Land Cover/Land Use Change”, hosted by University of Zagreb. Ivona Žiža, Nela Jantol, Davor Korman and Alen Berta, PhD, attended the lectures and training activities of the Trans-Atlantic Training (TAT) … Continued

International Conference 3-GREEN2018

8th June 2018 − This week the 3rd International scientific and expert conference “Natural resources, green technology and sustainable development / 3-GREEN2018“ was held in Zagreb with the aim to bring together leading experts in the field from around the world to present recent achievements, share the latest developments and address the challenges. Oikon’s experts participated in … Continued

CAEN presented the results of wood stock and carbon sink assessments

May 28, 2018 − Croatian Agency for Environment and Nature (CAEN) presented the results of the project “Carbon sink assessment in dead organic matter and average wood stock assessment in maquis, shrubbery and first age class stands in Croatian forests“, which was launched to meet the reporting obligations of the United Nations under the United Nations … Continued

New framework contract – FWC SIEA 2018

25th May 2018 – As member of consortium, Oikon has recently signed a framework contract with European Commission’s DG for International Cooperation and Development for provision of sustainable management of natural resources and resilience (Lot 1). The overall contract value of the Framework Contract Services for the Implementation of External Aid 2018 (‘FWC SIEA 2018’) … Continued

TRACE 2018 conference in Germany

24-27 April 2018, Greifswald, Germany − Our head of Department of Natural Resources Management, Alen Berta, PhD, participated in the international conference “TRACE 2018 – Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology” with a presentation of the final results of the “Application of high resolution multi-spectral satellite images in determining the degree of productivity and age … Continued

Natura 2000 workshop in Antalya

11-13 April 2018 a workshop was held in Antalya, Turkey, as part of the Natura 2000 project in Turkey (The training module “Tablet system for inventorying of habitat types including the preparation of the necessary training materials”) in which Oikon participates as a partner. Our experts Vladimir Kušan, PhD, Zrinka Mesić, PhD, Siniša Tkalčec, Nela … Continued

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018 in Vienna

April 13, 2018, Vienna – Head of Department of Natural Resources Management Alen Berta, PhD is presenting today at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018 the results of the project “Application of high resolution multi-spectral satellite images in determining the degree of productivity and age of uneven age forest stands of forest owners in the … Continued

Lecture at the Croatian Chamber of Forestry and Wood Technology Engineers

21st March 2018 − a lecture of Oikon’s Head of Department of Natural Resources Management, Alen Berta, PhD was accepted as one of 27 lectures that will be held during the course of 2018 as part of professional training at the Croatian Chamber of Forestry and Wood Technology Engineers (HKIŠDT), which is mandatory for all certified … Continued

Natura 2000 workshop in Afyon, Turkey

On 8th and 9th of February 2018, a workshop was held in Afyon, Turkey, as part of the Natura 2000 project in Turkey (Strengthening the National Nature Protection System for the Implementation of Natura 2000), where Oikon participated as Project Partner. Oikon’s team, besides preparing the Natura 2000 site information system and harmonizing it with … Continued

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